Nurse’s Notes

Notes from the Nurse:

  • We are in need of gently used or new sweatpants or other knit bottoms for both boys and girls. We need all sizes from 16 on down. We are also in need of underwear!! Ha!! Sorry, but remember, we have kiddos 16 months to grade two and there are many accidents!

PREVENT HEAD LICE: Lots of folks have misconceptions about head lice and the people who have them. Head lice can affect anyone: rich or poor, young or old, male or female. An outbreak of head lice in your family does not mean that you’re a bad housekeeper or that you don’t bathe. It can mean loss of school for kids and costly lice treatments.

Prevention is the key! The sooner nits (louse eggs) and head lice are detected, the easier and quicker it is to control and remove them…. because they multiply quickly. This is the reason why the National Pediculosis Association® (NPA) recommends that parents screen their children regularly (several times a week) as part of routine hygiene. This teaches responsible personal health behaviors…just like brushing teeth and washing hands. It’s up to you to do it for the kids! Teach your child preventative behaviors, like keeping hair pulled back and never sharing brushes, combs or hats. Sometimes screening allows parents to comb out lice and nits before they even know the child has them! Lice enjoy grown-up heads too, so parents should also take the time to screen themselves.

It is the intention of school personnel to keep kids in school as much as possible. We must have your help -check your child’s head frequently. Your child goes other places besides school, such as church, play groups, and friend’s homes. These are all possible places for infestation.

Treatment: If your child becomes infested, relax. Lice are not life-threatening! It is school policy that your child will be sent home if they are found to have live head lice.

Please do the following:

  • Treat your child if infested. It doesn’t matter where he/she got it, it only matters that it is handled once it is detected.
  • Follow up: Daily combing with a nit comb for three weeks to completely remove nits from the hair shaft. If they still have nits, they will continue to get lice!
  • Clean your environment: vacuum carpet, furniture, and wash bedding, clothing and pillows.

Do not rely solely on head checks at school. We check heads several times per year and when a classroom has been affected, but first aid, dispensing of medications, and providing care for serious illness and injury take most of the day. Let the teacher or nurse know if you have had to treat for lice.

It’s time to stop dreading the “lice call” from school and time to start hearing its underlying message: “We care about this public health issue for children and we are here to help.” For more information, please call the school at 552-7381. – Nurse Vehikite